천정속 콘크리트 슬라이브에 고정 설치된 틀에 마취기 및 기타 장비에 가스와 전기등을
공급하는 기구(전기 콘센트, Check Valve)가 취부된 외함을 부착시켜 가스및
전원을 공급하는 장치입니다.
어떤 방향에서든지 사용 가능하도록 외팔보형식으로 자유롭게 높낮이 조절이 가능하며
모니터 셀프 부분도 회전이 가능하도록 되어 있습니다.

* Anesthesia department
* Recovery room
* Intensive care unit
* Endoscope field
* General surgery
* Obstetrics & Gynecology
* Emergency room
* Basic arms and joints can be organized in various ways as shown in the picture.
* All the joints can be rotated up 340 and have a break
* There are two types of infusion holders-automatic type to move automatically
up and down and manually operable type
* Infusion pump is available on demand
* Inclination of the vertical is adjusted automatically by the high precision sensor,
mechanical devices, and computer.
* Warning is given automatically if load over design limit detected.
* LCD monitor can be fixed on both sides of the machine or any location when necessary.
* CCD camera can control its direction and magnification by remote control.
* Shelves, drawers, computer, keyboards, and so on can be installed.
* Height adjustable table for documentation work
* Built-in speaker for indoor broadcasting
* Height of the machine is fixed or may be adjusted by electric motor.
* Height of each board can be easily adjusted manually
* There are many reels to organize electricity cable, detection sensor cables, and hoses.
* Supply order : 110V, 220V, 380V, LAN, RF, USB, RGB, Telephone, Interphone,
other signal data
* Gas supply : O2, N2O, AIR, Co2, AGSS, Suction other gas outlet.
